Hotel «Korosten»

Phone: +380 63 061-45-27
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About the hotel

Dear guests, we are open
and welcoming you at our rooms!

The hotel "Korosten" is a signature of the city of Korosten (Zhytomyrska region, Ukraine) and is situated in its center at 26 Grushevskogo Street. The international highway Kyiv – Kovel (constituting a part of Kyiv – Kovel – Lublin) runs in close proximity to the hotel, which points to the convenience of its choice for everybody travelling in this direction. The hotel has easy access to the railway and bus stations of the city being just about 1.5 and 1 km away respectively. The hotel boasts 49 comfortable rooms of various category and design including 6-bed room, standard rooms (single and double), semi-luxury suites, luxury suites and apartaments. The car parking and conference room facilities are available for the hotel guests. The ground floor of the hotel comes with a spacious lobby and restaurant. The rooms are provided with cable TV and Wi-Fi access to the Internet.

A lot of city amenities are available just within 10-minute walking distance from the hotel including several supermarkets of the most popular Ukrainian chains "Fora", "Silpo" and "ATB", a vast array of restaurants, cafes, beauty salons, grocery and clothing stores, ATMs and branches of the largest Ukrainian banks "PrivatBank", "AlfaBank", "Ukrgasbank" and "Oschadbank", branches of the leading Ukrainian postal service providers "Ukrposhta" (branch 11500) and "Nova poshta" (branch №3). Tourists will especially enjoy the accomodation at the hotel due to its location right next to the most important tourist spots and landmarks of the city such as the central square and park named after Ostrovskyy (serving as venues for city holidays and festivals), the military-historical complex "Skelia", the museum of local lore of Korosten and the city stadium. The city of Korosten has the most developed and convenient infrastructure among the settlements of the northern Zhytomyrka Region of Ukraine, which makes the hotel "Korosten" a perfect place also for tourists interested in taking tours around the landmarks of this area.

The cost of accommodation at the hotel starts from 350 UAH per day. The service of booking is provided free of charge.

If you are interested in booking of rooms or have any questions regarding the accommodation at the hotel, please contact the hotel administrator around the clock using the following means:

  • Phone: +380 63 061-45-27;
  • E-mail:;
  • Address: 26 Grushevskogo Street, Korosten, Zhytomyrska Region, Ukraine, 11500.

Photo gallery of the hotel and its rooms

Hotel on the map

Weather in the city

Current weather conditions:
Korosten', Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
7-day weather forecast:
Korosten', Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine


Hotel "Korosten" | Official website
26 Grushevskogo Street, Korosten, Zhytomyrska Region, Ukraine
Phone: +380 63 061-45-27